The Institute for Pastoral Ministry is currently offering three courses.
The course “Inclusion and Integration of Vulnerable People in the Community” was launched on Saturday, October 2, 2021 by the Institute for Pastoral Ministry in association with the Diakonia Office within the Diocese of Gozo. The course is primarily intended for those who want to volunteer in pastoral settings with at-risk individuals. Prof. JosAnn Cutajar was the lecturer for this first session. Professor Cutajar, a Gozitan who teaches at the University of Malta, provided a current picture of vulnerability and social exclusion through her expert and current research.
Our Institute, in collaboration with the Liturgical Commission of the Diocese of Gozo, launched a new course, Award in Liturgical Formation, on Sunday, October 10th. The course aims to assist participants in understanding liturgical concepts, animating liturgical services, accompanying the congregation in their worship, improving public speaking skills, developing a proactive worship environment, interpreting liturgical symbols and gestures, and sharing the skills and knowledge gained with the congregation. Fr. Ignatius Borg is the lecturer for this course.
On November 6th, another Safeguarding course began to empower our community in the protection of minors. The course aims to provide participants with general knowledge in the area of child protection. An interdisciplinary approach that takes into account psychological, theological, and legislative disciplines will help participants understand the problem of child abuse in general, and particularly child sexual abuse, from various perspectives and provide the protection that minors deserve. Fr. Joseph Farrugia is the lecturer.