Course Description
This course is intended to prepare participants for subsequent study of the Bible by introducing the Bible through a presentation of its various literary forms and categories, basic themes, overall narrative and theological concern and message. Viewed from the perspective of faith, it approaches Scripture as a whole, while remaining faithful to issues regarding human authorship, specifics of historical and cultural context throughout the Bible, and variations in the textual tradition of Scripture as received by the Catholic Church.
Course Objectives
Participants will be able to:
a) gain a better appreciation of the Sacred Scripture, the transmission of its texts, and the development of the concept of a biblical canon regarded as textual revelation from God that comprises both the Old and New Testaments
b) have a more developed knowledge of the history of the Sacred Scripture books.
c) identify the broad classes of text in the Bible and explain how those classes of texts are distinguished or defined;
d) describe the overall narrative thrust of the Bible from Creation to the Eschaton,
e) identify and describe the major themes of the Bible, in particular, as they appear represented in the variety of texts;
f) learn the fundamentals of biblical text interpretation
g) explain what is meant by terms such as Torah, prophecy, psalm, and gospel, not only as classes of text but also as theological concepts.
h) appreciate how the Bible is used in theology, catechesis and liturgy

Target Group
The course will be available to anyone with an interest in biblical studies, with a special emphasis on those who serve as catechists or lectors in parishes.
Target Audience Age
Course Level
MQF Level 4
Title of Qualification
Award in Biblical Formation
Other Course Material