Course Description
The course will offer a comprehensive idea of liturgical concepts and practices in line with the contemporary vision of liturgical animation. The participants will be equipped with skills to animate actively the liturgical services in a variety of contexts/settings. Their participation will facilitate the congregation to live enthusiastically the liturgical celebrations. At the end of the course participants can assume various roles in liturgical settings particularly: musical ministry, lectors, ushers and ceremonial organisers.
Course Objectives
The participants will be able to:
- Understand the liturgical concepts
- Animate liturgical services
- Accompany the congregation in their worship
- Enhance the public speaking skills
- Develop a proactive environment for worship
- Interpret the liturgical symbols and gestures
- Share the skills and knowledge acquired with the congregation

Target Group
The course will be offered for all people, especially those who are interested in the Liturgical Formation.
Course Level
MQF Level: 4
Course Credits
Title of Qualification
Award in Liturgical Formation
Other Course Material