Safeguarding of Minors 2023 Course

Applications are now open for the Safeguarding of Minors course starting on the 14th January 2023. The application form together with more information in relation to this course is available in the Courses section of this website.

Annual General Meeting and Graduation Ceremony 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the Institute for Pastoral Ministry was held on Friday 8th July.  During this event certificates were awarded to 77 students who successfully completed courses offered by the Institute during the past year. These courses included the Award in Safeguarding of Minors, the Award in Liturgical Formation and the Award in […]

Coming up: AGM 2022

On Friday, July 8, 2022, the Institute for Pastoral Ministry will hold its Annual General Meeting at the Nadur Teen and Youth Centre. The event will begin at 7 p.m. All Institute stakeholders and those interested in the Institute’s mission are invited. Following the meeting, a Graduation Ceremony will be held for students who completed […]

Three Courses at IPM

The Institute for Pastoral Ministry is currently offering three courses. The course “Inclusion and Integration of Vulnerable People in the Community” was launched on Saturday, October 2, 2021 by the Institute for Pastoral Ministry in association with the Diakonia Office within the Diocese of Gozo. The course is primarily intended for those who want to […]

New Courses beginning in October 2021

Two new IPM courses have been made available to the general public in recent weeks. These are the following courses: Award in Inclusion and Integration of Vulnerable People in the Community and Award in Liturgical Formation. The first course is primarily designed for people who want to volunteer with vulnerable people in pastoral settings. This […]

Annual General Meeting 2021

On the 23rd of July 2021, a thanksgiving mass and a graduation ceremony were held for a group of 28 Gozitan participants and 8 Maltese participants who completed the Safeguarding of Minors course during the academic year 2020/21. These courses are organised by the IPM in collaboration with the Safeguarding of Minors – Gozo and […]

The upcoming AGM

The Institute for Pastoral Ministry (IPM) will be holding its annual general meeting on Friday 23rd July 2021, during which a good number of students will be graduating after successfully completing the course in the protection of minors organised by the IPM in collaboration with the Safeguarding of Minors – Gozo and accredited by the […]

Safeguarding of Minors course – June 2021

The Institute for Pastoral Ministry (IPM), in collaboration with Safeguarding of Minors Gozo, continues its work for a safer society through another course which is being attended by a good number of participants from all walks of life. Due to the pandemic and in compliance with the law, all necessary measures are being taken as […]

The second accredited course on Safeguarding of Minors – October 2020

The second accredited course on Safeguarding of Minors is underway. This course is being organized by the Institute of Pastoral Ministry (IPM) in collaboration with Safeguarding of Minors – Gozo. A good number of participants are taking part in this course while ensuring that all health and safety measures are being adopted for the well-being […]